Thursday, January 23, 2014

Welcome to New Yawk!

I have officially started a new adventure in New York City!
I arrived in the city on Sunday and had a pretty relaxed week ahead of me. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday flew by, I was busy doing test shoots and meeting with my new agency for various things. I ventured out and saw some new sights as well as some that I hadn't seen since the last time I was here sophomore year of high school. Highline Park was really cool, and probably even more gorgeous in the summertime! It's a park built on old rail tracks, which are above the ground so basically it's a park where you can see everything below you (and above you). Whoever thought of this: you are cool. Why didn't someone think of this earlier? Anyways, my first week was very easy and I had a great weekend to look forward to! 

My dad planned to come visit me for the weekend since he was working in Washington D.C. the week before and I was excited to spend some time with him! Little did I know I had something (or someone) else in store for me… My wonderful boyfriend flew in for the long weekend to surprise me! I had no idea, at all, and from the moment I saw him in the hotel I was so excited to show him the city and to simply just spend time with two of my favorite men. We did so much in a short amount of time, Statue of Liberty, 9/11 Memorial, Times Square, China Town, Little Italy, The Book of Mormon, and more. 
It was Alex's first time here, so we of course also included eating pizza, getting a hot dog, and anything else we could fit in that a proper visit to NYC should include. Alex even got to experience my life as a model and see some behind the scenes of a photo shoot I had on Sunday, which was cool for me to be able to show that to him! I wanted it to last forever but like all good things it had to end and it came too quick. I had an incredible time seeing the city with the people I love and it was a great break to have before the chaos of Fashion Week! Come around again soon please.
I am so thankful and blessed and everything above and beyond that when it comes to what I get to do right now for life, and although sometimes my hope gets fogged up, thank you to everyone who is always there to pick me back up. Just like anyone, adjusting can be difficult and overwhelming, but I become stronger through every moment and experience and prayer. I grow and I learn something new every day, and I hope to someday use that to not only benefit myself, but to benefit others. That's my goal here. I may feel blinded by everything that hits me, and it may hit me hard, but obstacles are only temporary and never impossible with a good spirit, God, and family and friends. Like my grandpa says, "When you find that something, grab ahold of that brass ring and run with it." So. Here I go!

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