Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Off with their heads!"

I had all these great plans for Saturday and really it ended up being quite simple what I did. I sat at my laptop all day writing and procrastinating and being lazy and such, so so much for my super exciting plans. That’s okay though, I will accomplish them another weekend. I did go to the grocery store and stock up on some food and water, if that counts as being cool?

I like my water.

Sunday though was a date. My favorite agent/mother agent was in town for a couple of days so we went out sightseeing! I had been looking forward to this day ever since my trip to London had been planned. It was a good and confident start to the day when I took him to the tube and already made him run on and off the wrong train. I really showed him right away how good I am at getting around the city, that’s for sure. Anyways, our sight of the day was the Tower of London! I cannot fathom how old this city is, and just the countries over here in general. It really makes America look and feel like a baby when I’m standing on the ground of something built in 1000.
Holy old

We went on two tours while at the tower and our first tour guide was probably the funniest guide I have ever had. He was also very good at making fun of Americans and our rivalry history. I embraced my learning side for the day and soaked in everything about such old British history. The torture (including many beheadings), the love affairs, the kingdom and the people, I learned everything. You didn’t need a tour to learn something though, simply just being aware of what’s around you is a lesson in itself. I love doing things like this where I can be involved in the history and background of a place full of more than my imagination can hold, so becoming interested was not difficult at all. My type of adventure! And, fun fact, I thought it was very cool that some of the staff members (such as the tour guides and their families) get to reside in the houses inside the area of the Tower of London. I would be paranoid of ghosts and hauntings all the time, but really how cool would that be?

After that we made our way towards Harrods to meet up with family of Marc’s. He told me about the cafeteria area in Harrods that I hadn’t been in yet and I immediately became obsessed with that place. I’m sorry Macy’s... If only I could easily give you a good visual of what this place is like through words or snapshots, but it will never live up to what it is truly like. Which means you’ll just have to come visit yourself! They even have a pet spa and sell very expensive Cocker Spaniels there, of all things. It wasn’t even the clothes that impressed me, but all the weird/cool things going on. After a very long day, and exhausting for Marc since he only flew in that morning, we had a quick bite to eat at a close by pub and then called it quits! It was so nice to spend time with someone from back home, and to simply just get out and adventure! This beautiful and old city is full of it. I love it.

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